Let the clothes and the covid pounds come off!!
Weight loss is a frustrating topic for many especially if we're talking in the context of the COVID 15lbs. Many of us gained weight over the pandemic and rightfully so, there was less to do, so most of us spent more time inside sedentary.

According to harvard University:
A set of researchers looked at 15 millions patients and evaluated their weight changes prior and during the pandemic.
It turns out 39% of patients gained weight during the pandemic.
27% gained less than 12.5 pounds
10% gained more than 12.5 pounds
2% gained over 27.5 pounds
The bottom line is that you are not alone. Many people gained weight so I’m here to help. I want to help you out by giving you my top 3 tips for losing weight and revving your metabolism.
This article will cover:
TIP 1: Drink a morning booster
TIP 2: Get moving
TIP 3: Hydrotherapy

DIY Ingredients:
Fresh lemon juice (1 fully squeezed)
Cayenne pepper
Cinnamon (if you like to the taste)
Freshly squeeze lemon into a glass
Add lukewarm water (500ml)
Add 1 tsp of cayenne pepper
And a pinch of cinnamon for taste
Enjoy this beverage on an empty stomach first thing in the morning to help cleanse, detoxify and boost your metabolism.
Movement first thing in the morning is the best way to boost your metabolism! I love walking outside on a beautiful sunny day, it helps me get my mind in the right place while boosting vitamin D levels.
Here are some ideas for movement:

Mini Trampolines - These are great and convenient for a quick morning jump. Mini trampolines have been used in the past to increase lymphatic circulation and drainage again supporting our virtual detoxification pathways. Boosting your energy with a quick 10-15 min jump will get the endorphins going and your metabolism ready to go.
Sunshine walk - Go for a quick 10-15min walk first thing in the morning. Soak up the sun while boosting your vitamin D levels. Did you know vitamin D is imperative for metabolism? Low vitamin D levels have been linked to increase obesity and weight, indicating vitamin D may play a role in weight gain. It’s a simple fix….get up, soak up the sun and enjoy your vitamin D!
Exercise - if you like to run…run! If you prefer to lift weights…lift weights. Making exercise a daily routine is a great way to make sure that your metabolism is working properly. Did you know muscle mass actually helps the body reduce fat? Muscle is metabolic meaning that it burns the fat around it as it starts to grow. You don’t need to look like a bodybuilder to gain the benefits. Yoga is another way to tone up, build muscle and slim down. Enjoy!

Hydrotherapy (water therapy) can help with weight loss! Water changes the temperature of the body. It's the reason we get in a pool when we are overheated and like a nice hot shower if we’ve been in the cold. Changing the temperature of the body requires the body to utilize its energy resources to produce heat, this can be the utilization of sugar or fats.
A study found that cold-water showers increased the metabolic rate by 350%!!!!
Another study from the Netherlands found that people who took cold showers were less likely to take time off due to sickness.
3000 people were split into 4 groups. They were dispersed into groups based on hot/cold showers and time durations.
They found that participants in the cold water group had a 29% reduction in self reported sick leave and the duration of the shower had no impact. Therefore any cold…is a good cold.
Most people are not ready for cold showers! They can be quite shocking to the body and uncomfortable, therefore the best way to get started is to have them after you’ve raised the body temperature. This may be after exercise, your morning walk or trampoline. Raising the temperature of your body makes the switch to cold a little more bearable.
Second, go slow. Lower your temperature gradually. This may be switching the temperature gauge right at the end of your shower. If you can do 30s that is perfect! If you are able to go longer, awesome. The aim is for 2-3 minutes of cold showers.
Outside of this, you can find me on my mat or on the trails – I’m a Vinyasa yoga teacher (600 hours of teacher training) and a hiking enthusiast. Naturally, health is my highest priority, Clean+ Clear Living and hormone balancing is my jam, and I make a powerful superfood smoothie that you’ll honestly crave (recipe here). I’m a true champion for women entrepreneurs, particularly in the entrepreneurial and FemTech spaces, and sit on the Board of UCLA Anderson Price Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.
I’m so grateful you’ve landed here and I’m excited to go on this journey together.
Feel free to get in touch or follow along on social.
Buijze GA, Sierevelt IN, van der Heijden BCJM, Dijkgraaf MG, Frings-Dresen MHW (2016) The Effect of Cold Showering on Health and Work: A Randomized Controlled Trial. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0161749. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161749
Janský L, PospÃsilová D, Honzová S, Ulicný B, Srámek P, Zeman V, KamÃnková J. Immune system of cold-exposed and cold-adapted humans. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1996;72(5-6):445-50. doi: 10.1007/BF00242274. PMID: 8925815.
Ihsan M, Watson G, Choo HC, Govus A, Cocking S, Stanley J, Abbiss CR. Skeletal Muscle Microvascular Adaptations Following Regular Cold Water Immersion. Int J Sports Med. 2020 Feb;41(2):98-105. doi: 10.1055/a-1044-2397. Epub 2019 Dec 16. PMID: 31842246