Most people want to live longer and feel young
As we start to age we start to slow down. We have less energy than we once did and our health becomes a bit more challenging.
Whether you’re looking to add an anti-aging therapy to your regime or want to learn about new technologies that can optimize your health - Ozone therapy is something you want to know about.
My experience with Ozone
Over the years I’ve learned we have a lot more control over our aging. The first step is recognizing things in our environment that accelerate aging. The second, is utilizing modern technologies, like Ozone, to our advantage.
All things considered, when optimizing health & anti-aging, it’s important to know what technologies/therapies are available and how they can help.
What we cover:
What is ozone and why are people using it?
Ozone is oxygen in a more compounded form. So instead of taking O2 the kind of oxygen we breathe you oxygenate the blood with O3 called ozonated blood. Now why would you want to do that?
As we age our oxygen carrying capacity goes down and our energy production deteriorates. Energy is produced in something called the mitochondria, it is the energy center of our cells. So the older we get, the less functional our mitochondrial becomes resulting in increased signs of aging and fatigue.
Oxidative stress
Is another fancy word for cell damage. But what you need to know is that increased oxidative stress is the primary cause of aging. It is the reason the mitochondria starts functioning less efficiently and why the body begins to slow down.
What causes oxidative stress?
Poor nutrition
Emotional stress
Poor lifestyle habits
Ozone therapy focuses on how you USE oxygen rather than how you consume it. If the red blood cells are not binding oxygen and delivering it to the tissues & cells properly, it would be the same as having limited oxygen.
And poor oxygen delivery is a root cause of poor mitochondrial function and aging.
Ozone has started to gain popularity and particularly around the world as a COVID-19 as an alternative therapy.
A study conducted in 2021 (Cattel F. et al) found that Ozone has the capacity to inhibit viral replication leading to inactivation. However, ozone is not an alternative to antiviral medication but an assistant in fighting the infection. Results showed a decrease in inflammation and lung damage with combination therapy.
IV therapy (systemic ozone) has shown to:
Control inflammation
Stimulate the immune system
Boost antiviral activity
Improve circulation
Aid in detoxification
Protect against acute coronary syndrome (heart attacks)
Another common reason for patients seeking ozone therapy is chronic illness; chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, covid long haul and cancer.
A clinical review conducted in 2011 (Elvis et. al), stated its use for:
Infected wounds
Circulatory disorders
Geriartic conditions
Macular degeneration
Viral diseases
Side effects and recovery time
Ozone is relatively safe and has very few reported side effects. However there may be reported tiredness after treatment, which is most common and goes away a few hours after. Other side effects may include: skin irritation, phlebitis (vein inflammation), mild lung irritation, headaches and urge to cough during infusion.
Hydration is very important
It is also important to be hydrated during treatment to ensure that the blood is circulating and moving freely in the veins. It is generally recommended one should drink up to 1 gallon of water before therapy. To boost electrolytes and aid in further hydration you can also add a pinch of salt or coconut water.
How does it work?
STEP 1: Find an Ozone clinic near you!
Ozone can be administered by medical doctors (MDs) as well as naturopathic doctors (NDs). The most important part is finding a clinic that is relatively close to avoid traveling long distances after therapy. If this is something you are worried about I suggest arranging pick-up after your first treatment to gauge how you feel.
Toronto: Dr. Hui
LA: Next Health
STEP 2: Pick a pass
Passes refers to the number of transfers of ozonated blood under hyperbaric pressure in and out of your body. Therefore a 10-pass refers to 10 passes completed in and out over the course of a single treatment.
Ozone therapy often takes a couple rounds to feel an effect, so depending on the person and their health status a 10-pass may be of more value in the long term.
10-pass - Hyperbaric Ozone (Pricing usually Toronto- 600 CAD) (LA - 999 USD) - Per session
3-Pass - Saline Ozone (without hyperbaric) (Pricing usually 220CAD) - Per session
1-Pass - Blood Ozone (Pricing usually 220CAD) - Per session
Rectal infusion
*One session is usually never more than once a week*
In my experience the saline was the most significant. I noticed the largest pick-up in energy for a couple of days following, which was exciting. However, I did not experience the same results with the single blood pass.
My next session will be the 10-pass, so I will have to update everyone on how that goes! If you don’t already follow me on instagram @juliekmcclure for updates :)
I’ve currently completed:
2 saline
2 single passes
STEP 3: The Process
Ozone therapy is often delivered through IV (intravenous drip). The difference from IV vitamin therapy is ozone is used to oxygenate the blood.
A 10-pass as explained above requires the transfer of ozonated blood under hyperbaric pressure in and out of your body 10 times, over the course of a single treatment.
Your blood is drawn under negative pressure and is mixed under positive pressure to increase the amount of oxygen in your red blood cells. That blood is then infused back into the vein under positive pressure.
Wrapping up

Ozone (O3) works like a disinfectant, meaning it kills off bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, parasites while boosting our immune system. In other words, think of ozone therapy as an internal/external deep clean for health & longevity.
There are two common forms of delivery. The first and the most popular being IV (Intravenous) delivery which often includes multiple sessions within a designated time frame. This is the most popular but often requires a certain level of sickness before it can be performed. Meaning, this would not be used for the common cold.
The second form of delivery is ozone saunas. This technology is on the newer side, but has become more readily available in North America. It is just like your typical sauna, however you will be sitting in a pod with an oxygen mask on. While the experience itself seems a little abnormal, it is quite relaxing and has become a great way to start the healing process.
Ozone has been extensively studied for decades. Clinical trials have been consistent with their results and show minimal side effects with its use. Making ozone actually quite safe, if done properly.
I really hope this information inspires you to become more informed and empowered when it comes to your health. The natural health industry is continuing to grow with new technologies that improve health and extend longevity. I’m excited to share more of my findings with you!
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Ozone (O3) therapy is highly dangerous if administered incorrectly and therefore should be administered & monitored by a trained medical professional. Do not try this at home.
Cattel F, Giordano S, Bertiond C, Lupia T, Corcione S, Scaldaferri M, Angelone L, De Rosa FG. Ozone therapy in COVID-19: A narrative review. Virus Res. 2021 Jan 2;291:198207. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2020.198207. Epub 2020 Oct 25. PMID: 33115670; PMCID: PMC7585733
Elvis AM, Ekta JS. Ozone therapy: A clinical review. J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2011;2(1):66-70. doi:10.4103/0976-9668.82319